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All this precious moments with you by my side, must be a gift from heaven. I dont know how i find you, I am thankful that i once have a love so true. To hold to keep to share. I'll Remember U.


! (:

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Monday, July 30, 2007 7/30/2007 11:41:00 PM

I didnt really spend alot of time with Darling last weekend. On Sat, i meet him in his place to pass him the purifier. And at night , we met Miko for dinner. Darlingw anted to go Selegie but there is nothing for us to do there. Therefore we went Chinatown and had steamboat. The same old place agian. But its nice.
Miko wanted to go for a drink but Darling too tired already so he went back hom early. Have to understand ma. In the end, me and Miko went to drink ourselves. I am not a good drinker i admit so i drank a little only. Waited for Jason to come before we left the place. Reach home around 3. Wanted to go and open Jurong stall early in the morning de. So i stay up and do some drawings and send it to Darling. Finally the clock shows 6am. But i am too tired le. So in the end, went to sleep. Haha...

On Sunday , met Darling for dinner at Beach Rd cos he went there to buy something then went bk home with him. Waited for him to bath finish then left home. We both sat the same train as i am going down to look for Miko in PunggoL Plaza so we say Bye Bye when its Outram Park. Haiz.. cant see him until saturday again. Very sian leh.. But no choice. having an NS bf is like that de. Cant complain.. Haha...

Today morning went to Alexandra. Daddy sent me there. Dont wanna take train then take another bus again. Very troublesome. I reached there before Leopard. He was suprised. Haha.. After Anna came , we went to Jurong to look for Dione. Had lunch over there. Chicken rice. Had been eating chicken for the past few days le.. Sian le... Reach home around 6 plus. Have been watching tv since 7pm till now. Very long like never watch Channel 8 dramas le.. Working life. Thats why.

Haizz... Going to do some work stuffs le... Will update again. =P

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7/25/2007 12:12:00 AM

My darling juust call me.. haha.. i am so happy. Dont know why also... Ever since the dream i made the other night, i think i have to do some changes. First thing-ON DIET.. I have been putting on lots of weight. Dun know why also. Maybe because i am having a good life in Value Posh ma.. Haha...

Darling say this weekend go Zoo. Yippy... Very long time never go zoo le. I think the last time when i went Zoo is with Theresa & Meng when we 3 pontian school when we were in Sec 3. Haha... Hopefully Darling can booked out camp earlier ba.. Anyway, I Saturday never worked also. So okay lah...

Hmm. Have to start my dieting plan tmr le. LOL...

Saturday, July 21, 2007 7/21/2007 11:48:00 AM

I knew somethings dont lasts long. I knew he is not commiting into this relationship anymore. And yet I didnt told him how I felt. But he just told me that he thinks he is not commiting anymore. When i heard this, i felt nothing. Cos i knew he would tell me this sooner or later. Should i be upset or happy? Upset cos the things he said is not vaild anymore. And happy that at least he told me and did not lie to me. Haiz... I am not sure what to do also. Guess I going back office later.. I dont wanna think too much. It makes my brains tired.

Thursday, July 19, 2007 7/19/2007 02:35:00 AM

Valyn Wee

Alen Ho

In Dar's room-Love this pic lots.

On the way to camp.

Me & Dar in Sentosa

Some photos are i loves.

7/19/2007 02:06:00 AM

For every relationship that i was in, i put all my heart into it. Yet most of the times, things turned bad. It wasnt a happy ending. After i ended the 2 years relationship with KL, i told myself that i wont fall in love with any guys at this moment. Even if i do , I would just fool around. Cos i dun wanna get hurt anymore. It was until i met him. ALEN HO..

He gave me the feeling of being loved once again. I didnt want to get into a relationship with him but somethings cant be explained. He gave the right feelings. Though we get together only few days after we know each other , but to me , that wasnt a problem. I can say that he is a close-to-perfect guy for me. But i might not be his perfect girl. When i am with him, i feel comfortable. Although, 5 days in a week , he is in camp , but i dont mind. I know its still early to say if this relationship will lasts. But i do hope it will.

He told me that he cant guarantee that his heart wont change. I can understand. What i can do now is to just stay beside with someone whom i really loves. Whether he will leaves me one day, its all up to fate.

Monday, July 9, 2007 7/09/2007 02:00:00 AM

I met Dar for movie yesterday. We watched 'Transformers'. The movie was okay but a bit lame. But we both enjoyed the movie especially Dar. When waiting for him earlier on, I went into Mini Toons to shop around. And i saw this cute keychain. Winnie the Pooh Series. Intending to get for me and Dar, so i got the piglet for myslef and Tigger for him. Haha.. Couple Keychain ma.. But Piglet is actually a female or male? Its body is pink so should be female what. But Dar say its a he. Whatever. Hahha..

Woke up around 10 plus then have lunch. Wanted to go supermarket with Dar to but his stuffs but last min cancelled. So i went to bath then go to work le. Dar went service today. I have to work. So overall, we meet for less than 24 hours this week. I miss him pretty much. And the worst part is- He is booking in and out on the same day on next Saturday meaning i night even have the chance to see him. SIAN...

Another part. He is going to Brunei on the 13th Sep. Meaning- HE CANT CELEBRATE MY BIRHTDAY WITH ME.. He can only be back 3 weeks later. Sian lah... I also not sure how to celebrate my birthday too.. I think just as per normal lo. Go eat dinner with family. Cos Dar wont be in Singapore also. No mood celebrate.

He is the best bf i ever have. What more can i ask for? I just love him lots.

Friday, July 6, 2007 7/06/2007 03:25:00 AM

Well, this is my first entry for my new blog. Haha..

I didnt see my dar for days le. I really miss him alots. He can only booked out on Saturday afternoon. Sian. But rather then he never booked out at all. Its really tough to have a bf in camp cos you cant see him as when you like. So, dar should know i love him lots. =P

I am planning to go to the Zoo with dar next week.. It has been a long time since i last visited the zoo. I want to see Ah Meng. Lol. And hopefully i can get the chance to see Theresa. But dont know on which day will dar booked out. Hai.

Up till today , i have bot save any single cents despite working for a year plus. Failure. Haha.. So from onwards, i must save money. And i got influence by dar actually. But the main cause for me not saving up is because of my hp bills. I just dont understand why my bills can be 300 plus a month. I seldom call my msia ex anymore. One month, i can talk up to 1000++ mins and sent 1500 msgs. Thats terrrible!!! I have considered to get another phone cos i have got 2 extra SIM cards. Dont wanna pay for nothing.

I am tired now. Got to wake up very early in the morning cause got to go Alexandra and work. I intend to make sandwiches for Dione. Cos she often treat me drinks. Haha..

Tired le.. I gg bed le.. =P

7/06/2007 02:40:00 AM
