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All this precious moments with you by my side, must be a gift from heaven. I dont know how i find you, I am thankful that i once have a love so true. To hold to keep to share. I'll Remember U.


! (:

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Friday, August 31, 2007 8/31/2007 01:22:00 AM

Was at Hougang the whole day. Raining throughout the whole afternoon. Was thinking of him the whole day too. Miko says he will call me soon. Sian.. For sure he wont. When i am with him, he seems fine already. He got alot of things to do to occupy his time. I REALLY MISS HIM ALOT LAH.... ARGH....
Fark that stupid bitch!!!! Partly because of the message you sent.... Sob.. Sob... And part of the reason is becaue of mine... Haiz... He wanted me to become a christian cos he thinks a christian partner can understand him better. For now i am not interested. Cos i dun want to be a christian just because he wants me to. I want to accept God out of my own willingness and because i really love Him. But he dont understand. And thought i dun want to be one.. Now say so much also no use. Haiz...
I think i wont be dating for the time being.. I cant accept anymore heart-breaks. We have been together for almost 4 months le... Still miss him alot. Wanted to msg him but i scared he thinks i am fan. So better not.
Tml going back office... Need to pack stocks... Life still go on without him..

Thursday, August 30, 2007 8/30/2007 01:41:00 AM

--Imagine Me Without You--
As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
Til the end of time forever
You’re the only love I’ll need
In my life you’re all that matters
In my eyes the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You’re the one that’s there for me
When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you
Imagine me without you
I’d be lost and so confused
I wouldn’t last a day, I’d be afraid
Without you there to see me through

8/30/2007 01:25:00 AM

Xx-I'll Remember You-xX
It has been so long since we have touched
I hope that things are still the same
Hoping they will never change
Cause what we had can't be replaced
Don't let our memories fade away
Keep me in your heart for always
You made me believe that I could do almost anything
You stood right by me through the tears, through everything

I'll remember you
And baby that's forever true
You're the one that I'll always miss
Never thought it would feel like this
I promise you I won't forget the times we shared
The tears we cried
You'll always be the sun in my sky
It may be fate that brings us back to meet again someday
Even though we go separate ways
If the day should come when you need someone
You know that I'll follow
Don't ever let there be a doubt in your mind
Cause I'll remember you

8/30/2007 12:53:00 AM

Alot of things happened recently. Dont wish to mention much as i saw a phrase from Marcus's Friendster. - Silence says more than a thousand words.- True enough...

My relationship with Dear was quite bad. Not becos of the rumours things. I know that Dear's feelings towards me has faded. But i know he is trying his best to save the relationship. But love cannot be forced. I can understand. When i knew about the message that was sent to all my friends, I find it funny. She wrote that Dear loves me a lot and cherish me. Oh pls, Come on. Get the facts b4 u write. No wonder Dear didnt even bother abt her. She doesnt know that our relationship turned bad le.. And she said my boss paid for transport , food and even holiday expenses... Craps. What a joke man. LOLz. Her main purpose was to break me & Dear up. Hmm... But can i say that she actually made it? Dear wasnt affected by the msg at first but the second one came out. And he say the msg did affect him. SAD. The one who love me dont believe me.

I knew he has no feelings towards me already. So i think the best choice was to end the relationship. He agreed too. I was upset and cried. I cant even see him again anymore.I broke up not because i dont love him , in fact i do love him alot. Even though we have been together for almost 4 months , he brought me alot of good memories. I do wish that we can still continue to be friends. He is going to Brunei soon. Wish he can really take care of himself. Brunei weather very terrible. And he cant tahan hot one. Worry for him. But he wont know.

And something more serious. I might be pregnant. Haiz... Went for the first test. Negative. Second test today- like got 2 lines. Shit lah... This time. Have to go test again... But i dun intend to let him know if i am really pregnant. Dont wanna stress him. He got too much stress in his camp le.. I think i would make my own decision on what to do if it really happens. Sian... So much things happened. AND I REALLY MISS HIM ALOT NOW.

He was someone whom i didnt pin much hopes on, cos i no longer trust guys but he prove me wrong. Yet now i think i m wrong.

Thursday, August 23, 2007 8/23/2007 12:25:00 AM

Dearest Alen,

All these precious moments
With you by my side
Must be a gift from heaven
That's holding me all night
I don't know how I found you

I'm thankful that I have.

Darling Valyn.

8/23/2007 12:09:00 AM

I stay overnight at Miko's place the other night. We have got nothing to do therefore we thought of going for a jog from Rivervale to Fernvale. Quite far actually..We satarted off the journey at 0220hrs. We jogged past Compassvale and Sengkang. The whole journey was fun. We walked along the roads. No cars no people... We can only heard the wind. As we were walking, I thought of Dar and the rumours thing. Miko got her own problems too. I didnt met Dear for a week plus. And i really miss him alot. We reaached home around 0530hrs. Legs are tired.

When i woke up in the morning, my legs' muscles hurts. It hurts when i walked. So i can only walked slowly. Till now, 2 days later, my legs still pain. Sob sob.. I wish Dear was around. Went for work today in Rivervale also. Quite bored nothing to do.

Was waiting for Dear to sms/call me. He is always busy with his stuffs. But i never blame him for that. Have to understand. My mood isnt good this few days.Is all because of him. Feelings fades. My heart 's crying. I dont know what to do. Should i let go or continue? If i let go , i am afraid i will regret. I called him earlier on and we chatted for awhile. He said the Julie, a friend of his , asked him why he didnt sms her already? Then dun know what Dear say also. Then Dear told me he bought another watch. And he didnt use the one i bought for him then he left it aside. I always thought he likes the watch. I got a feeling that he is leaving soon. I cant imagine me without him. Though he is always in camp, but to me, i dun mind. I can feel that his feelings really fading fast. If one day, he wants to end the relationship , i will let go too. Cos if he is meant to be mine, one day we will get back together. If he is not , then we shall remains as friends.

Monday, August 13, 2007 8/13/2007 06:06:00 PM

Didnt blog for weeks... Not much things happened. Dear went to Tekong for his training so we didnt meet for the last weekend. Miss him badly... Saturday was Angeline's wedding. Miko , Dione and me went for the dinner. She was so pretty that day. No wonder people always brides are the prettiest.. That day went to Mt Faber with Miko & Lye Dong. Went up for a drink then he send us back home...

Dear wil only be back tml.. Sian lah... Didnt talk to him for days le.. But he say he gonna bok out on this coming Tues or Wed. hahaha.. Good good. Then we can meet up.

Bought the air tix to Guangzhou le.. About $250 each.. Budget airline - Tiger Airways.. Going there for 4D3N. Going to get a lot of stuffs for sure. Want to do my hair... Buy clothes.. HAHA... So exciting.. And of course see goods with Miko... How much should i bring? Hmm.. S$1000 enough? Then exchange RMB over there will be $5000 plus le... But bring more better... Just in case not enough use ma...

Going Sentosa this Saturday with Miko.. Tanning again... Wanna tan darker... Cos i think it will make me slimmer? Does this make sense ? I supposed...

Going to knock off from work already.. I m in the office now... I just simply love office alot.... Here everything also got... Just lack of personal toilet... =P .. Will stop here... Got more things then update....