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All this precious moments with you by my side, must be a gift from heaven. I dont know how i find you, I am thankful that i once have a love so true. To hold to keep to share. I'll Remember U.


! (:

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Friday, September 21, 2007 9/21/2007 10:29:00 PM

18th Sept - My 19th Birthday.

Celebrate my birthday with Miko & Jason. Went for steamboat. Was supposed to meet Leopard for lunch de. But he was too busy. So in the end didnt meet him. Miko gave me a wallet , necklace and 1 sleepwear. Haha... Oh ya, i happened to saw Simon in Chinatown. He was with a girl ba... Anyway, this is not important. HAHA...

Going to Guangzhou tml le. Heard from Kevin and Leopard that Tigerairways no good. Oh please... Dont scare me... LOL...I gonna miss Singapore alot.. Just bought a luggage bag... $26.90. Reasonable. haha... I am excited. Wanna get a lot of things there... But not enough money.... SIAN LAH... bo bian have to borrow from miko. Dont know she will lend alot... Haiz.. If she dun lend i think i can go die liao.

Monday, September 17, 2007 9/17/2007 01:16:00 AM

I was wondering why Alen didnt call me when he reached Brunei. Wanted for afew days then cant tahan le. Therefore i sms his brother. Hs bro tell me that Alen's phone de network got problem so cannot use. His bro gave me his friend contact number and ask me to try. But i didnt want to. And then when was using the com later at night, my phone rang. I look at the caller id. - How come so familiar? When i picked up the call , it was a man's voice. Talked for a few secs then he ask me if i know who is he. I say i dont know. Then he say '' You didnt heard my voice for few days le. ''After this , i then say Ohh... Haha.. Gald to hear his voice and know that he is alright over there. Happy...=P

Going to Guangzhou this coming Saturday le. Time passes fast. Havn decided on what stuffs to bring over there. Maybe just a few clothings will do. Sian... tml need to wake up earlier and go work again. SIAN SIAN SIAN LAH.... I m so tired le.... But no choice.

My birthday is on this coming Tuesday. Not really very anxious about it too. Cos maybe he is not in Singapore therefore no mood. haha... But i told him le... He must send me a msg wishing me Happy Birthday on that day.. Lolz... Just miss him alot. Hope 3 weeks faster over...

Saturday, September 15, 2007 9/15/2007 01:00:00 AM

After Boss left the train. Sian.

He dosent want me to put up dis foto. But i dun care. =P

My SweetHeart.

When Boss buying fish... This is wad i am doing.

In Dong's car.

Friday, September 14, 2007 9/14/2007 12:30:00 AM

Alen went to Brunei already. But he didnt want anyone to send him off. Haiz... Wanted to send him off like the way i send him to Taiwan. Sad.. I really miss him alot. He told me he miss me too- but abit only. ... But abit i also happy. Better than dun have. Went to his place that night. Something ''drama'' happened. We saw his gf under his block. When his gf saw us, she ran off. Then Alen called her and ask her where she is. Waited for a while b4 the girl appeared. Then i leave them alone to talk. When they will talking, an lecherous uncle came up to me and asked 50 cents from me to take bus. Craps. He was just looking at my breasts. IDIOT. I just say dun have and walked off. I should have scolded him. After around 30 mins, the girl left then we went up. The girl was there to give him something. She left it outside Alen's door. When we both us the bag, we thought she gave him something expensive. Cos the bag was from Taka Jewellery. But when Alen look inside- Chey... Chocolates lah... Haha... I requested to have the chocolates. Cos i dun want him to eat the chocolates then think of her. Although i am not his gf anymore but i still feel jealous lah.... I know i am very bad. But as there is a chinese saying that goes something like this -- Dui Di Ren Ren Ci ,Jiu Shi Dui Zhi Zi Can Ku. Yeah.. So no choice. I really do wish that we have one more chance. He promise to let me pick him up when he is back from Brunei. So i am waiting, And for myself, i am going Guangzhou next week le. Haiz.... Time passes so fast.

Sunday, September 9, 2007 9/09/2007 04:24:00 AM

I was quite happy today because i got to meet Alen. Finally like after dont know how many weeks. He wants to eat Sakae so me & Miko accompany him... We talked alittle cos i really dont know what to talk to him. When Miko went to the loo, he told me he has a gf... SAD... And he say that the girl is around 17, 18 i supposed. Still schooling. Haiz... sad lah... Heatbreaking. Around ten plus, miko & me sent him to the mrt station. Haiz.... He got gf le.

After that, miko and i went for our movie. "Naraka 19". All i can say is waste of money. So lame and stupid the show. Wanted to go over his place. But he didnt pick up the phone. So i think he must be in his dreamland le. So i went back home. I just miss him lots la... Perhaps i cant get over the relationship ba....

If anyone who reads this and get to know ANNA CHIA , please tell her that I AM A HUMAN BEING WITH FEELINGS. TRUE FEELINGS. Thank you very much.

Going to bed soon. Going Sentosa if the weather is good tml. And hope that he can just sms me & i will be happy . Really. =)

Monday, September 3, 2007 9/03/2007 01:22:00 AM

We broke up almost a week. And what i can say is i really do miss him alot. That night he told me that he is seeing a girl now. Sad. Why things turned out to be like this? Though 4 mths is a short period of time , but a lot of things happened in between. Good & bad. But at least we can be friends. I should be happy enough.

Having been hanging out with Lye Dong for these past weeks. Have been sending me back home almost everyday. Its seems that i like very long never take train le. Hahaha..... Really wanna thanks him alot. He really take good care of me & miko. Knowing we got cough he will get us herbal tea and cough syrup. Haiz..... Im starting to fall in love with him but i know i cant. Cos Leopard says that he is finding a life partner. I am 14 yrs old younger than him. And i know i am fickle-minded kind. Haiz..

Alen is going Brunei soon. Hope he can take care. Really for him. The weather over there. Haiz.. Guess I should be the one worrying about all these ba...

Saturday, September 1, 2007 9/01/2007 12:20:00 AM

I am trying to get a new life. Progressing.....