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Valyn Wee QS
Sweet 19
Virgo Baby
Admin Staff
Value Posh Marketing

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All this precious moments with you by my side, must be a gift from heaven. I dont know how i find you, I am thankful that i once have a love so true. To hold to keep to share. I'll Remember U.


! (:

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My Wants

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10/31/2007 03:59:00 AM

I have been missing him since the last met. I can 100 percent say that he has no feelings towards me le. Dun know. my feelings. Anyway, Leopard has got the promotional area in Punggol Plaza. will be starting on the 1st ba if not wrong. this means i am gonna be busy. haha.. thats good. I love to be busy so i wont think of the jerk. sales not really good these months. dun know why also. suay.

really tired. went to play badminton with bro. play for 30 mins then rain le. sian lo.. didnt play enough yet. i am starting to like badminton. walked all the way from tekka to mustafa to get - TWO SHUTTLE COCKS. Is it stupid? dad send me home from there. but then he dragged me along for drink at hawker. sian la.. have to acc him. so just drink 3/4 of it only... then had late dinner(more to supper i guess). i tidy up my room. i cleaned my windows. then my mum nagged at me asking me not to do all these at night. so i just tell her. - Now i feel like going let me do. Or not next time u give $100 , i dont wan to do means i dont wan.

going to sleep le. have to wake up early to go tekka. nights . =p

Sunday, October 28, 2007 10/28/2007 09:56:00 AM

Hmm. Should i be happy that he asked me over? Was it because of love or lust? Anyway, this is not important to me. I miss him so i just want to see him. Couldnt sleep all the whole night. Not because of his snoring. He didnt snore this time. haha.... i just look at him when he is sleeping the whole night. Thought i wouldnt never have a chance to go his house again. Went into his room and looked at his table. The tigger keychain missing!!!! Has he threw it away or kept it? But at least my purifier and mp3 still there... But he changed new hp. And the VALYN WEE QIU XIN GONE!!!!! WTF... I type it b4 he went brunei and save it in his phone. I type quite a lot. about 18 msgs... Haiz... Forget it.. He told me that he went to meet Xiang Hui last night. Well... No rights to be jealous... Just like this. Perhaps being single is better for me cos i wont be a good gf.

Friday, October 26, 2007 10/26/2007 12:31:00 AM

Have been in tekka mall for the past weeks.. really stressed about work.. no sales. haiz... a new sales promoter came in. Ben-Siao Tong's friend.. he's alright lah but we seldom talk. no topics ba..
I have already signed like 100 plus dollars le... got so much things to buy... but something not good about Diners is that - not alot of shops accept. So everytime have to ask them if they accept b4 i buy things. sian... so troublesome.

i like the way he call me -ah Val. no one gonna know who he is.. haha... HE IS NEITHER MY BOYFRIEND NOR LOVER. ah Val ah Val... haha.... i intend to change my name again. from Valyn to Valene. thanks to Sandy for this idea... VALENE WEE. hmm.. nice.. haha...

alan's birthday coming soon.... wish to meet him but really no time....i know he misses me too. haha... i need a break already.. cant take it.. i m waiting for xmas to come.... haha..=P

Saturday, October 20, 2007 10/20/2007 12:52:00 AM

I recieved my Diners Club Ace Credit Card le.... Happy :) .. This means i got more money to spend... haha... tml is saturday... find something for me to do le. shall meet ah girl tmr b4 she leaves Singapore. Didnt see her for quite a long time le.. Have been half a year. Gonna meet her for shopping ba.. thought of going in JB wth her.. But no one gonna acompany me out of Malaysia. I scared kana robbed. Malaysia this kind of place anything also can happen de. Thought of asking miko along. but she need to sign on visa.... very troublesome. Forget abt it le... just go causeway pt and shop can le.. Going to get clothes... waredrobe lacking of clothes le. haha... =P

Thursday, October 18, 2007 10/18/2007 01:08:00 AM

I seriously need to change. my attidue towards work and personality. talked about work first. most people envy my job bocos i can wake up late and time seems to be flexible. hmm. quite true. but there are still alot of things others dun know. i have been working under VPM for 1 year. i have save $0 and seems to learnt nothing. i intend to take up a dip. course for my own good. what if leopard sack me or what if i resign ? the future is hard to say. need to do some planning. I am 19 le. old enough to think.
Secondly , my personalities. I am someone who is soft hearted. this is something serious. i need to harden my heart. the way i treat the promoters and my friends. leopard often says that i am too close with the promoters le. therefore if anything happened, i am stuck in between. i must trreat my work seriously. cannot have the '' play2 '' attiude. business really not very good these months. i also dont know what to do but those fairs really no people. like little india. indians dont buy purifiers i guess. i dont know la.. really hope that bussiness can get better.

Alen sms me yesterday. When i saw the sender - Alen Ho , i stunned. I can say that 99 percent he send wrong person. he sms - where are you now? - only that 1 percent is for me. i reply him that i am in tekka mall. he didnt reply le. then i told myself that he confirm 100 percent send wrong person le. sianz...

from tml onwards, i need to change to be a better person. and dieting is halfway through. yea. pray hard that i can do all these. a new ah Val.

Friday, October 12, 2007 10/12/2007 03:52:00 AM

But i dun know if he will ever read this.

I miss the moment when we first met at Vivo.

I miss the mushy stuffs u wrote on the tissue paper when u leaving for Taiwan.

I miss your snoring when you are sleeping.

I miss the way you 'pushed' your hand towards me when u r sleeping.

I miss you calling me when you are having breaks in camp.

I miss those days when u came and look for me when you have nights out.

I miss the way you smile.

I miss the way you told me i make ur bed untidy after ur maid has make it neat.

I miss the times when we went to watch Transformers. I know u love it.

I miss the time when u chased me out of ur house.

I miss going with you to Beach Rd to get ur camp stuffs.

I miss the kiss on my forehead.

I miss the way you hug me on the first morning on bed when u r back from Brunei.

I miss the way ur mummy calls me.

I miss the way i make ur back yang yang.

I miss the couple phones that we used to have.

I miss the day when u came n look for me at Rivervale. U suprised me.

I miss the VAL & ALEN = VALEN


10/12/2007 01:10:00 AM

I just realised how much i would miss his parents. I miss his mum calling my chines name- Qiu Xin. I miss his dad too. I wonder if he really tell his parents that we broke off le. Sad. Have been telling myslef i must get over. But i just simply cant.

Thursday, October 11, 2007 10/11/2007 01:01:00 AM

didnt have much to blog today.. was supposed to go sentosa this morning with miko but she caught a cold there we didnt make it. But she asked me to acc her to ICA Building to hand in her PR documents. So we went there. Knowing that i will thought of him when i go Lavender but no choice. Then miko say want go Bugis. Again ? Have to think of him AGAIN. Haiz....

Told miko that i wanna go batam with sandy this sunday then she say she wanna go. ask me dun go with sandy. hmmm... so i say okay.. cos got those tour guide i think it will be safer. then we have to go harbourfront. AAGGAAIINN !!! The places we went today all made me thought of him. HAIZ...

went to gelyang serai in the evening and stayed there till 11am. and then took a bus home. have to wake up early tml cos leopard boss have to go bk office to pack stocks for tekka. Have to sleep early tonight then or not tml he will nag me for being late..... =P

I'm off. :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 10/09/2007 01:52:00 PM

chatted with Shaun last night... told he was kidding when he gave me his number. then i told him later i all is bangala pick up my call. then he say he is not bangala. haha... then i call him. chatted for about 20 mins. told him abt the broke up. then he say - '' i so handsome u also can get over le, who is that so powerful huh... '' haha.... dont feel weird talking to him. it was like 5 yrs didnt heard his voice. lolz..

i have got like 2 hrs to slack at home now before i go work. dont know what to do. feel like going for drink tonight. but don know ask who. sian lah... or should i go for a night jog with tina? hmmm.

10/09/2007 01:33:00 AM

just reach home. went back office today.. did some admin stuffs and packing. fed my fishes their food too. HAHA. went back to gelyang serai around 7plus. not in a good mood today so thought of going clubbing. but i cant find anyone to go with. wanted to ask him along but he confirm gurantee chop wont come out de. so forget it. in the end, went with sandy to chinatown for steamboat. but in the end, i just ate a little only. no appettie. thought of him again. haiz... went back around 11 then took a train back home. went to 7-11 to pay my bill and happened to saw this incident. a malay customer was scolding this indian cashier. he shouted at him very loudly as if the cashier deaf like that. they were like quarrelled. heard something like '' account no. , ez link card , sim card, i banking. '' funny sia. but the cashier very poor thing. being scolded also stand there quietly.

might be going to batam this weekend with sandy. never been there b4 too. anyway, now must find places to go le.. or not i will think alot. argh.

my plans for the following weeks.
13 -14th Oct - Batam trip with Sandy
21th Oct - Sentosa ( tanning with miko )

Monday, October 8, 2007 10/08/2007 03:18:00 PM

I change my blogskin again. This time round nicer. So sian.. Lazy go work. Its raining outside now. Haiz.. Shouldnt grumble. This weather also not bad la.. Not so hot. haha...
i am missing him now. wth.... argh.... why these kind of things happened to me... tulan.... dont think about it le... going to go work now... =(

10/08/2007 02:24:00 AM

just changed my blogskin. so pink lah...
today something between me and alen. was supposed to went his place last night but when i reached there. he didnt pick up my call and yes i know he has fallen asleep. i think i made alot of calls. didnt he hear the phone ring. in the end, i cried below his block. my tears just rolled down my cheeks. i dont know why too. i feel like knocking his door but his family sleeping. and its like three plus in the morning. i just sat below his block till four the end , i just wrote him a note and went home.

this moring i just sms him and ask if he is awake. and he replys me WHAT I WANT NOW. i feel so wad lo. it sounds like its my fault. ya my fault. then he stated saying being strangers is better then friends. wtf. i simply dun understand him. i just cant take it la. my heart bleeds when i heard this. although we have been together for like only 4 months but i really fall deep into it le. i ask him if he did have feelings for me when he is back from brunei. And he say got but now he dun want to have any feelings for me le. i just wish everything can turn back its time. he say i dun understand becos i am not a christian. but .... haiz.. don wanna say so much too. just hope that we cans till remain as friends ba. argh........ i so down recently... kill me ba.. or take my memories away.

Saturday, October 6, 2007 10/06/2007 12:01:00 AM

went clubbing with miko last night. rushed back home and bathed. then took a cab down to st james... when we went in , its the live band performers time. So we went to get a drink first. Then got this guy come n sian us say want be friends then bought us drinks. So i and miko just entertain him for awhile. Out of a sudden , i heard my favourite song. Gong-Give me a little try. korean song. When i heard it , i was stunned. How come Dragonfly got such songs? This song reminds me of alen's room. Haiz.. alot of things i knew de, but just dun wanna say it out. poor me... =(

tml have to get down to gelyang serai in the evening. cos boss going to play mahjong. so i and sandy have to tend the stall. maybe sunday going sentosa. very long nv go there. going there reminds me of alen AGAIN... can someone just erase all the past memories of me n him ? i can say i dun feel good this weeks.

Thursday, October 4, 2007 10/04/2007 09:56:00 AM

He is back to Singapore already. Felt happy after seeing him. Hmmm... But i have learnt something too. Something i will never forget. Dont wanna talk much about it. This makes me upset. Haiz... Not sure where to go later. Either Alexandra or Gelyang Serai. But have to go back office first. Alvin gonna send the essential oil. Intend to go back earlier so can help to unpack those stuffs. I be leaving after he came back after his jog. -dont cry over spilt milk-