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All this precious moments with you by my side, must be a gift from heaven. I dont know how i find you, I am thankful that i once have a love so true. To hold to keep to share. I'll Remember U.


! (:

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007 11/27/2007 11:38:00 PM

Finally pluck up my courage to msg him in MSN..

Me: How are you?
Him: good
Me: Okay.

Thats all. Didnt ask him why he booked out on tuesday too.. Think he dont even give a damn to tell me too... Miko and Jason broke up... Because of some stuffs. He lie to her that he didnt keep contact with his ex wife but he did actually.. But was is a good reason to break up? As i grow older, seeing esther and siao tong talking about their relationships with their bfs , i felt numb. When we are teennagers , we also say those very sweet stuffs. But in the end, out of 10 couples , only 1 made it.

Life still goes on for me... without him.. YES.. I STILL LOVE HIM... I STILL MISS HIM. But what can I do ? it takes 2 hands to clap.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 11/20/2007 08:52:00 PM

Gonna be in Technopark for this week. I volunteer to work there. WHY? Because i need to earn some extra comission. Trying my best to make more sales. Yesterday , menses came. Stomach cramps. Something i like abt Leopard is that he is caring. Knowing that my menses came and when he hear that i wanna drink cold drinks , he scolded me. '' Menses come still drink cold one. You want to die is it? '' HAHA... He so cute lah.... In the end, he get me swiss rolls and hot milo.
Gg to watch tv le.. =D

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 11/13/2007 10:09:00 PM

Went Sentosa-ing today with my bitch -Miko

I like the scenery. Reminds me of the first met with Alen.


My favourite pic of the day.

Having a break in Delifrance.

Say - CHEESE !!!

Waited for a week before i can come Sentosa today. Met Miko around 230 then we took the bus in.. blah blah blah.... when we reach there, we went to 7-11 to grab some food... We ate cup noodles. HAHA.. Cos we both brought only less than $10 to Sentosa. So must budget abit... Then we went to the beach and start our tanning and water-ing... Abt 1 hr later, we felt hungry again. hen we walked to Delifrance and ate something. Slack over there for an hour. Take photos and chit chatting. blah blah blah.... We went back to the beach and lie over there b4 we bath... Spent 40mins in the toilet. HMM... Improved le... The other time we spent 1 hr. HAHA.. When i was bathing, i heard the FM radio talking about COMMANDOS... SIANZ.. Talking about Airborne, Red Berets , 72 km walk blah blah.... My whole bathing time i was thinking of him.. Wah lau.. Cant even bath in peace... After bathing, we went for cup noodles again..... then Jason msged Miko. He sending back her home. So we took the train to Harbourfront and walked our own way...

And now I am back home. Damn fucking tired... Guess i am going bed earlier tonight... But cannot lah... Miko haven send me the photos that we took using her digtal camera... Sian...

I'll end here... TIRED.

Monday, November 12, 2007 11/12/2007 10:59:00 PM

Wasnt in a very good mood these 2 days. Haiz..

Anyway , Miko and Jason is quarelling again. Dun know for what reasons too... Sales was not very good... Dont know what happened. Wanted to go Sentosa for the past few days but the weather isnt that good therefore was unable to go. Intend to go tml. But have to see the weather first. Have been in Punggol Plaza for the past few days too. Bored. Gonna stick there for the next one year. But nvm , from next week , i am going to alexandra technopark. i request this to leopard. Cos wanna earn extra com. HAHA. Hope sales is good over there... ''Money come!Money come!!!'' lolz.

All i want for a guy is to prove to me that they are not all the same.

Thursday, November 8, 2007 11/08/2007 01:44:00 AM

I have make a decision now. I have decided to forget about ALEN HO SZE MING. Though i still love him but his actions make me feel that i am worse than a pros. Whn i told consultant about going to Alen's house , he lectured me. He said if a guy sincerely want you to go his house (whether for sexual or not), he will meet u up first then go up his place together. But in my case, i have to go up his place MYSELF. Consultant say pros better than me cos still got money take. When i wanted to chat with him online , he didnt reply. FINE. Miko call him and ask if he wanna join us to Sentosa and he say not free... FINE again. This make me free that i am really worse than a pros. '' IF YOU HAVE NO FEELINGS TOWARDS ME THEN DONT ASK ME TO GO UP YOUR PLACE , JERK!!!!!! ''


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 11/06/2007 11:51:00 PM

I have been thinking of him alot today. I still cant forget him.... Argh~
We still haven go to the zoo yet. Rmb? I say i wanna go to WWW , Bird Park with you too... I take back what i have say earlier on... I hope to have a chance to be with you together again. Really... I still rmb what u sms me before...

12 Jun 2007 23:14
U are the girl tat i need most. Girls outside cant compare with u. Baby. The one tat I would wish to marry is you.

heart melted when i saw this... Sob Sob... I MISS YOU.

11/06/2007 12:42:00 AM

just back home. after work in punggol , went to have drink in Compass Point with Miko. Wanted to go Dhoby Ghaut de. But decided to go over to CP. nearer. leopard called and told me that sandy asked him go out just now. -hmph- dare to ask pard2 out. then he say she siao de. i and pard was laughing all the way. i kept saying that sandy interested in him liao. HAHA... jealous lah.... pard is MINE. haha.... jk...

intend to go Sentosa with miko tml morning but have to see the weather. if the weather is good, then going in the early morning then afternoon can get back to punggol for work... hmm... see the weather tml ba...

tired le... gg to sleep. nights. =)

Monday, November 5, 2007 11/05/2007 02:18:00 PM

I love taking photos now.. got influence from Siao Tong ba... Wanna take a lot of photos so that i can kept it as memories. I told consultant about the night i met him. Consultant then asked me in what capacity i am to go his place. His GF ? I know that i and Alen wouldnt been together anymore. Didnt have any thoughts of us patching back again. His heart is harden. The reason why i wanna go his place is because i wanna see him. I am afraid that once he got a new gf he would totally forget about me. I know ia m worse than a bitch or slut. So what? I dont give a damn. I dont want to have any regrets in my life.

I chatted with Xiang Hui abt Alen. She told me Alen is a guy that will ''prey'' on you if he knows that you still got feelings for him. Is that true? I hope not.

Is being friends better?

The heart beats.

Sunday, November 4, 2007 11/04/2007 12:38:00 PM

I hope things will change.

Pokka Ice Green Tea =) Paid by Ho Sze Ming

Holding Hands. =)

My Advanced Xmas Present from MIKO SORIA. thanks. i love it.

Starbucks Peppermint Mocha. Xmas's Special.

What hurts the most is being too close.

11/04/2007 02:11:00 AM

i am right now in heart-breaker's place. went Punggol around four in the afternoon. Leopard only reach around 530pm then he left 1 hr later for mahjong. Sian.. No customers. Miko came around 7. Was supposed to have dinner together but didnt. Then we headed to PS for a drink b4 she left for movie with Jason in Vivo. So envy. Heart-breaker then smsed me if i wanna go over his place. Didnt want to cos i wasnt feeling good but in the end still go. and now he is sleeping so soundly on bed. i cant sleep.. dun know why. headache. i treasured every moment with heart-breaker. cos once he got a new gf, he would forget abt me. haiz.. BITCH-ed me. SLUT-ed me. I FEEL LIKE HEADING DOWN TO ST JAMES. HAVE A URGE FOR CLUBBING NOW. MIKO!!! MY CLUBBING KHAKIS. but she is now with Jason watching movie... bored... guessed i have to find something to do le.

Friday, November 2, 2007 11/02/2007 11:19:00 PM

Was so bored in Punggol today. Was supposed to start work today at 10am. but i overslept. then met siao tong in tpy to take a cab there. siao tong went off at three. then i take over. leopard eft over 5 plus. left me alone. sian... i close at 9pm. today really not much people. $15 sales.

took this photo when leopard suddenly stand in front of me. HAHA. He also nagged at me when he saw me taking photos. lolz.


Tml have to go back to Punggol again. Sian. Going to sleep early tonight. Suuppeerr TIRED today. Dont know why also.... happened to saw that Citibank also got a credit card like Diners. no min income de. maybe getting ba.. more money to spend.. haha..

Thursday, November 1, 2007 11/01/2007 11:32:00 PM

Nature Scents' Valerie has been out for sales for almost half a year. But sad to say- not popluar. People say its very smelly. Smelly meh? Nice wad. Orange and Peppermint. Valerie is worse than Regina. Regina is so popluar like Lavender. Nvm.

Anyway, was shocked just now. I actually change Alen's name in my phonebook to - I love this Jerk. for the fun of it. then today evening, i recieved a msg from I love this Jerk. At that moment my first thought was ''Who the hell is it?'' then i realised its HIM. haha... got a shock.. when i was about to reach home, he called me and ask if i want to go his place. I wanted too. but is afraid that he will asleep... blah blah blah.. in the end never go.

alex just called. cos siao tong working till three pm tml only... then he is afraid that i am too tired le. but i tell him nvm. cos if i dun work , i will feel more bored. No place to go.... feel like clubbing with miko but she seems to be busy with her darling Jason. feel like asking alen along but he confirm wont go de lo... never been clubbing with guy friends b4. got la... Lye Dong lor.. but that one cannot count. haha...

Haven bath yet. gg to bath now , on my air purifier and add in 1 squeeze of lavender. (Lavender is to promote better sleep and stress relief. ) , watch tv for a while and then go to bed. my body is aching now.. too tired these few days.

Gald & happy.