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All this precious moments with you by my side, must be a gift from heaven. I dont know how i find you, I am thankful that i once have a love so true. To hold to keep to share. I'll Remember U.


! (:

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Friday, January 25, 2008 1/25/2008 01:28:00 AM

I knew that his love for me is gone. I am sad.

Friday, January 18, 2008 1/18/2008 01:15:00 AM

I am very sure that he is playing me. Because of yesterday night incident. He call me around 9 plus telling me to meet. U mean in that 1 hr u can go and book a hotel ro0m from Takashimaya and get down to Clarke Quay? I am not a fool. He even went to met Rebecca. His so called ex working friend. They must have went to the hotel together. Come on dear. I am not a fool. Is just that i dont wish to say it all out. Yes. U didnt met Lyn st jam. But u thought of going to look for her. I am starting to believe that ur feelings has faded. I guess our relationship gonna end it before this month. What ever is it, at this point of time, YOU ARE MY SWEETEST ADDICTION.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1/16/2008 12:28:00 AM

I went to look for Ah Girl today. While walking to central, i thought of Dear. Cos he say he will be in TPY. Was wondering if i have a chance to see him. Walk walk walk.. And i saw him in Yakun. My heart almost jumped out. But i did not call him. So i msg him and ask him where is he. He replyed and told me that he is in tpy. At least he is telling the truth. So i told him that i saw him. Yup. Thats all.

Going to meet Miko tml to acc her to see furniture for Jason. After that, i be going down to Sembanwang and pass Ah Girl my old things. At night i will be going down St James. Have to see if Dear gonna go down. HMM.. hahs.

tell me that ur love hasnt faded.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 1/13/2008 05:07:00 PM

Meet Baddy for dinner in Harbourfront Centre. We had Sakae Sushi. Wanted to watch a movie after that but the next timing is 0030hr. We have to wait for a long time. Therefore we we went clubbing. Went in Zouk. Had Tekila Sprite and Guniness Stout. After clubbing, we book into the hotel next to it. Grand Copthorne Hotel. One night cost about $270+++. The room was big with bath tub. We stayed on the 21st floor with nice view. Then around 4 plus we went for late supper then back to hotel and sleep. Woke up around 11. Dear went for breakfast without me cos i am too tired already. Then we watch a movie in the room. It was the worst movie i ever watch. We rest awhile then prepared to leave already. Dear send me to Clementi MRT then he went off to his work.
Happen to saw a msg on his phone from a girl. This girl ask Baddy to go celebrate her birthday on this coming wedensday. So i order to test if he really will go, i would tell him that i am going to club this wed too. See who will he choose. if he choose her then i know what will be the outcome.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 1/12/2008 03:06:00 PM

Have been meeting Mr Yap for the past few days. Had dinner last night with him and Miko. Well, i suddenly got a feeling that he is just fooling around. I dont know why too. The way he hides his phone so that he wont let me see what's inside. Well , fine with it. Id he wants to let me see, he will. Koh loon coming to Singapore tonight. He wanted to try out the clubbing area here. But Mr Yap asked me not to go. He say that Msia guys not good. So i told him that if he meet me tonight then i wont go. Good enough? Yup. And he say Okay. And i told him if he dont meet me tonight then i will off my phone so that he cant contact me. So ok lo. Let's see. But i kind of like miss Koh loon. I wanna know how he look like now. And he is going back tml already. Unless tmr i can find a chance to meet him.

Mr Yap just called. He asked me not to meet anyone later. He will meet me probably in the evening. He will be busy meeting cilents later. So fine with it. I think i will go find ah girl later ba... then meet Leslie at night.

I dont want to miss a thing.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 1/10/2008 02:04:00 PM

Was supposed to meet up Miko for clubbing yesterday. But in the end, she went MIA. So i asked Xinyi along. But feel a bit gulity. Cos of this, she and HC quarrelled. But guys are like this. What they say doesnt match with their heart. But stay in St James for an hour plus only. Then Xinyi went home. I and Leslie Yap went Sentosa. We chit chat over there. He say he is jealous that i chat with guys. To me , i was like '' You will bother meh? ''

I check his phone. Before he let me touch his phone, he actually do some editing. I dont know what he did also. But when i look at his phone. My name was - VALYNSTJAM.
In the end , i change my name in this love phone to ---- <3>

If he ever dare to change the name, i swear i will make a big fuss out of it. He say so many things to me which let me feel he really like me. But how i know if its true a not. And i ask him if we will be able to spend Valentine's Day together then he say Can. But who knows. I have got no confidence in this relationship at all.

What i really hope is that he can be trust. I dont care if we can last long but i just want him to be honest or rather faithful. He say tonight want to go watch a movie. I was wondering if i want to go not. Hmm. i think i will wait for him to call me then say.

i am not sure if you are just fooling around, but if you are, pls let go of me.

Sunday, January 6, 2008 1/06/2008 10:51:00 PM

I was so happy yesterday. Dear called me and we talked on phone for like 20mins? Though is still consider short but i am happy enough. First time we really chatted on phone. Hahas. After work , i went over to Miko's place. Had red wine and cheesecake with Miko & Maya downstairs their house playground. Sounds stupid lah... Around 12am then i cabbed home. When i reach home , Dear called me again!! We chatted for like 30 mins this time? Hahas. SO HAPPY LAH... When we are about to hang out , he say - " Dear, i miss you" .. Then i was like - " I miss you too".. HAHAHAHAHA.. He say he miss me. He seems to be a different person.

Was supposed to meet for a movie today but his granny was being admitted ino hospital therefore didnt meet. Hope he is speaking the truth. Waiting for him to call me now. Wanna tell him how much i miss him today.

Friday, January 4, 2008 1/04/2008 01:39:00 AM

Haven been blogging for the past few weeks. Have got alot of things to mention. Alot of things happen. Most importantly is I HAVE A NEW BF. haha... Got to know him in Dragonfly. Clubbing is mine favourite thing to do now. Dont know why also. LESLIE YAP. my liker. for the time being. Why not lover? Is because He haven told me he love me yet. HMPH. never mind. Have been togethr with Leslie for a week plus. Watch 2 movies already. I just like him alot. HAHA...

Secondly , i and Alen are still friends now. Well , that's a good thing. At least we still keep in contact. He's my past. and i am his past. We both jolly well know that we live our own life. so i seldom msg him nowdays. unless special ocassions.

now, i just wanna enjoy my life. with my bestie , my pard and my liker-LESLIE YAP. <3